Sunday, March 27, 2011
Swamp Terrain
Barry of Murray Bridge Trees and Terrain( sending along some swamp pieces to add to my collection of terrain. Here are two shots:
Deadlands Vehicles on the way...
Area Nine Buildings Arrive!

The Area Nine Buildings arrived! I have been painting them. They are close to completion. The style of the buildings are different that my Musket Miniatures castings, so I decided to try the paint style that the manufacturer uses. It is different and it works.. I think it looks quite effective. When I find some time, I will have to take more photos of the buildings on the table top with troops from my South American collection. Here's the link to the company website (
Martians Invade Vogelsdorf!
Everyone brought a squad from their 40K collections; but, I brought some Blue Moon Martians ( with a heavy weapon ( Since the Martians are not in battlesuits, the other players decided my troops should be Imperial Guard and my weapon was only a heavy bolter. That revelation meant my troops were doomed as everyone else had brought the same amount of Space Marines or Chaos Marines. First, the umpire "nerfed" my speed advantage, then the lasgun range advantages, and finally the weapon went from Lascannon to Heavy Bolter. It did not help that he had mixed and matched the various tables until the rules were incomprehensible. No matter, they all were terrified of my heavy weapon as it looked scary.
The sacrilege was not to use actual siting as the buildings and board are fantastic! There are all sorts of small and effective kill zones that exemplified the dangers of urban warfare.
Our forces advanced to contact. I held the center. Mitch and Mike fought valiantly but were overcome. The game MVP was Ben as his Chaos Marines outmaneuvered and out-shot Mike. By game end the Martians were caught in a pincer. All thing considered, I had a great time using a periscope, my newly painted Martians and playing on Vogelsdorf. Overall, I had fun.
Here's a shot of a Chaos Marine peaking out right before I hosed down his building. You can see his shiny helmeted head just peaking over the top of the building in the center.
Here's a distance shot of my troops blocking movement up the center. Note the fire teams in the ruins on the right and left of the heavy weapon.
How would I change it to make it have flavor and fun and still have some semblance of balance:
1) Make the Martian Weapon a Maser ( so that buildings and armor don't provide cover;
2) Allow the heavy weapon to move and fire as it is on a vehicle chasis;
3) Keep the Guard Stats for the Martian Infantry but let the Martians use a Saucer to beam up and down a fire team (but not the weapon); and,
4) Add a simple In Sight test when someone tries to run across a fire lane.
That would accomplish making the Marines really scared of the weapon and put it on equal footing, replace the loss in firepower and armor with mobility; and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, make the battlefield truly an urban battlefield. I would limit the player to one squad and a heavy weapon to keep the Martians from dominating.
Oh, and Blue Moon has these guys in 15mm ( but they are called the Idirion Legion, so no reason not to use them in 15mm.
Great figures, great game and good rules as long as you don't mix and match the versions...the final turns were much better when Ron arrived and ran them they way they should.
Next time, I may bring the Quar. Or maybe, I'll do the typical 40K Arms Race and bring Harlequins! That will teach them to "nerf" my Martians...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
This Week in Wargaming--Weeks Nine and Ten
Fire work shows some promise and some setbacks. I made contacts in Florida and Georgia, so next Spring may prove to be busy in February and March. That is good. The Fed's continue to be indecisive for the Wildland Firefighters over 45 years old. They cannot seem to iron out the paperwork and medical issues. This is a problem as the deadlines for medical review are fast approaching. The deadlines for our yearly physical and equipment tests are also approaching. Without approval, one cannot take the tests. We'll have to see how it shakes out. My current Red Card expires in mid-April. I was on the hook for some burns in NY State for Monday to Wednesday but weather prediction look unfavorable and family commitments require me to be out of State again. There is a very small chance I can get on a Florida burn, though.
My kids are doing well in their sports. Isabel has been consistently jockeying for first through third with the same girls. Her winter riding circuit is nearing cessation. Points-wise, she should be eligible to go to the big show in August. John Henry's winter lacrosse is winding down just as the Spring season starts. It is quite fun to watch him play as the joy is evident. No matter how much he hated most of the practices for the winter, it seems to have paid off. Interestingly, the winter sessions were drills, drills and drills which thankfully has given way to scrimmages. I suspect the coaches were using the winter to train their winter league team. Our township does not have a winter league because so many of the kids ski or play hockey. Maybe next year I can get him on the other town's winter team. We'll see...
This April we have the 150th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War. Interestingly, it was last year that I reinvigorated my ACW miniature collection without paying attention to the anniversary. Now that I have realized we have such an anniversary, it has me all fired up to visit battlefields, play games, watch movies, etc. In that same vein, I was surprised to see that Wizards of the Coast (owner of the Avalon Hill game stable) and Hasbro have teamed up to issue the game Battle Cry by Richard Borg, the game is system that spawned Battle Lore, Memoir '44 and Battles of Westeros. As a result, I bought it as soon as I stumbled on it. Not surprisingly, WotC has an online version but it is very rudimentary; fun but rudimentary and only good for one or two plays. I'll let you know how the boardgame plays...I did try the WotC online sampler of Battle Cry. It was good but lack all the extras that the online Memoir '44 has. It also lacks any scenarios so it is really only good to sample the system or teach you the basics of the game. Worth a look if you are unsure about the game as you will get a feel for the mechanics.
Board-, Card and Role Playing Games Played:
Six. Mag Blast, Battle Cry, and Memoir '44 (x4)
On the first night of the convention, we convened in the lobby and played a game of MagBlast, a card game of starship combat. The game is designed to handle upwards of two to eight players with more the merrier. It is very quick play with cartoon art by John Kovalic. One of the best parts is one's attack is not effective unless you make the sound effect of the lasers, maser, missiles, etc. as they blast your opponents. It was fun to play with six people. A house rule was in effect which only allows you to attack the person to your right or left. I am not sure if I liked the modification; but, it worked to keep the weaker players in the game longer. I had the dubious distinction of being the Brotherhood of Peace. Their special trait allows one to transfer a Blast from a fleet ship to another fleet...I called it Sharing the Love. My neighbors were the Freeps and the Tribots. Once I shared the love, the Freeps and Tribots learned not to hit me unless they could take out a ship in one volley. I survived longer than I should have based on my aggressive tactics. I would have been smarter to build my fleet especially since the Tribots build fast and the Freeps steal your cards. Needless to say I went out in a blaze of glory after the Freeps and Tribots had eliminated everyone else. If memory serves, Jimmy's Tribots won. It is a good game and is no wonder that Fantasy Flight is on its third or fourth printing.
The week after the convention, I waded through my emails to discover that Days of Wonder has added a bunch of new scenarios to the Memoir '44 online games. Many of them are set in the desert. Naturally, it has added all of the special desert rules. In addition, they added the Tent rule which makes it important to defend your Command Post. Lose it and lose a card. I played Flanking Maneuver at Bir Hacheim, Sidi Rezegh, Hellfire Pass and a generic Commonwealth against the Axis. The games are fun as usual. I look forward to the addition of the Russian Front battles which I hear are next. This is a good way to get a quick game in when your "Jonesin' for a game" and don't have the time.
Miniature Games:
On the first night of Cold Wars, my buddy Phil had brought along a completed set of figures, terrain, etc. that he had built and finally found the rules. The set is a beautiful painted terrain board, terrain, buildings and 15mm AB figures for the Peninsular War. The rules he settled on are Ganesha Games' Songs of Drums and Shakos. After I finished my MagBlast game, I spun my seat and played a skirmish right out of Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe series. I commanded a group of Spanish Guerillas loosely allied to Igor's British Rifles. Phil commanded a Squad of Irish Legion, a baggage train and some French Voltigeurs. We had a great battle, but contrary to expectations, the British and the Spanish were roundly defeated. As you all may recall, I am a big fan of the Ganesha Games system for its ease and playability. Typically, though, I do play with the 25mm ranges for 15mm figures. In addition, I also eliminate the maximum range, instead applying increasing penalties which tend to preclude people from shooting past optimal range. It was a great game an great set.
Friday morning I signed up for Alternate Chacabuco. This scenario was a refight of the Battle of Chacabuco fought on 17 February 1817. The Patriot army led by General San Martin had surprised the Royalists by marching across the Andes from Argentina. This scenario used the forces in the area but proposed refighting with all sides having their forces available. in the refight, the Royalists held the Patriots denying them the farm and crossroads although badly mauled. It was a good game despite Mr. Min-Max bossing around his own players, moving our figures, fudging distances, bullying the umpire, etc. I only lost my cool once when I grabbed his hand and said, "Let him move his figures, OK?"
My next three games were Two Hour Wargames' Red Sand, Blue Sky which had been released just prior to the show. Ed grabbed a few of us and put us through Gladiator Training. I thoroughly enjoyed my two games even though I played against Mr. Lucky. At one point, I even felt bad for suspecting him of dice fudging but I watched and he really was rolling well. I wish I remembered his name as he was a good guy. I tried out a Retairius, the guy with the trident and the net, and a Dimacaerus (a guy with two swords). Both lost to his Myrmillo (a sword armed gladiator). Both games were fast, furious and entertaining. The third game was Two Hour Ed, Rebel Mike, Splintered Dave and me, some of my favorite people to game with as there is tons of joking and laughing. We fought it out for the number one position. David had a fast and deadly Dimacaerus but his lower strength meant that he was the "Death of 1000 cuts. In a move that had me sweating, he almost won it with a truly Hollywood double stab...but it did not fully do the job. Rebel Mike cut us all down which was very painful (not really) after all his Gladiator's grandstanding. Great set of games with a great set of friends. TWH has captured the genre with the maneuvering, fatigue, armor and unique weapons melded into a system which flows. I bought it the next day as many a Gladiator game has come and gone from my table as either too slow, too detailed, too bizarre, etc.. This one is good.
The Saturday morning game should be labeled "Fool Me Once..." Last year, a Great Paraguayan War battle was offered using Fire and Fury. I got a ticket and showed up at the table five minutes early. As I walked up a teenager was already playing as an alternate. I did not kick him out as according to the book, I was late and it was a newbie probably trying a historical game for the first or second time. The rule is if you don't show up fifteen minutes early, the GM can give away the slot. Oh well, by the book I says...besides, I had a shot at a Hawks game in two hours [a safe trade in my book as Hawks games are fun]. This year, I walked up fifteen minutes [by the book]. To my confusion, the game was already going and by the rhythm, it had been going for a bit. I lurked long enough to figure out this was a bunch of friends and I have a suspicion it was a sneaky way to get free admission. Run a game for your buddies and start it early.
I got to play in a great game of the Battle of Laguna Salada. The rules are the GM's own Huzzah and to the Bayonet!. The scale is 1:10, one of my favorites for Horse and Musket. It was entertaining to no end as the Patriots were expected to destroy the Royalists but both sides engaged in Bell Curve defying rolls. The Patriots rolled terribly and the Royalist rolled very, very well. As a result, the younger Royalist players enjoyed whomping on the Grogards...and to think I was worried when I saw the younger gamers all wanting the Royalists. Oh, and the younger players had sound tactics. In the end, the Irish and British legion was probably no more. The rules are good and have promise as they capture the units, personalities and flavor of the conflict.
I managed to get a ticket to a Spanish Civil War game but opted not to play as Mr. MinMax from Chacabuco and one other guy with whom I don't enjoy playing were present and pre-registered. It's always a problem when someone makes sure to tell you they were pre-registered as an opening to a conversation. I also find that ACW, SCW, WW2 and Vietnam games tend to have people who are rabidly committed to playing a particular side...usually a good sign to find another game. "I was pre-registered and these are my troops..." tends to put me off. Well, I hung around long enough to make sure the umpire had enough players and then I wandered off never letting on I had a ticket. Instead, I went for a run.
My last two games were some of my convention favorites: the Schlegel's Ferry series of Blood & Swash. A good friend, Eric Schlegel runs a myriad of scenarios that start in the 1600's and run up to the present day. Each is set in the same town, Schlegel's Ferry, Maryland. The town naturally evolves as do some of the characters. This convention I got to play in "Al Capone Comes to Schlegel's Ferry" (1920's) and "The Russians are Coming to Schlegel's Ferry" (1950's). In the first I was the Lady's Temperance League out to destroy the Devil Gin and raise funds for The Movement. I would describe the Lady's as a bit fed up with the peaceful progression of things as I wielded axes and pistols to good effect. At one point, I even crashed an ambulance into Al Capone's roadster and on into the river in an attempt to stop his nefarious deals. Pistols blazed, shooting barrels of Devil Gin. And did it really matter if I got a few gangsters in the end? The next game was set in the 1950's where I was the Schlegel Brothers stepping in to take over from Eric. Finding a UFO, it had been towed home where I defended it from all comers while trying to break into the ship. Unfortunately, the game ended too soon. I wanted to use the ship to fly around and abduct Russian spies who I had seen cutting through my cornfields on the way to the time. Always great games I thoroughly recommend the series. Hey Eric, maybe you should put the scenarios out there in a scenario book.
The best part of Cold Wars is spending time with my friends. This time around I also got to meet face to face a few folks that I have corresponded with over the years. It was good to get together and play some games. As always, Cold Wars is a day too short. I could have used more time to hang out, more time to play and more time to look in the Dealer's area...the worst part was the Convention Crud I brought home. It sure made painting on a ten foot ladder interesting. I also missed my Friday game at Mike's as I needed to sleep...
No work on this area; but I did see some good stuff. I spent some time in hobby shops in North Florida and with dealers at Cold Wars which allowed me to purchase more flocking and foliage clusters. I failed to find the Silfoi brush clusters I wanted. I looked over some great buildings at Cold Wars but never made it back to purchase as I played too many games. Same thing happened at a hobby shop in Florida. I did sign up for some pre-release deals from Miniature Building Authority to add a few buildings to my Desert (28mm), Europe (28mm) and Mediterranean (15mm) collections of buildings...building-wise, I am, about saturated but for the odd special one. I also talked the Bunker Monkey into building me a still for my Hatfield and McCoy game.
I also spoke with a friend Howard who has always wanted to build an old West mine. It seems he has no use for it but wants to build one. He thought of me and my varied periods. As a result, I think he may start building this for me. The piece he envisioned was a mountain piece that divided the board and then having a variety interchangeable passages, etc. Howard has done a few pieces for me in the past and they are always durable, usable and affordable. I committed to picking it up from him. It would be good if he decides to do this piece as it has been something that I have always thought would be good for my adventure games in the West, Pulp and Horror periods. Not to mention his initial ideas on cost were far more affordable than if Dwarven Forge ever produces such.
Related to terrain, I got to hike through the Area of Operations of the Second Seminole War and one battlefield, the Dade Massacre Site. Of particular interest was the time spent with some Florida State Rangers. They showed the types of terrain which the actions were fought over and how those same areas had evolved. At the Dade site, the rangers have actually been allowed to use prescribed fire to keep a similar patch of land in the state it was at the time of the battle. Since this patch is in close proximity to the battlefield they have actually been allowed to cut the road, clearings, etc to effect a mock-up of the battle. Twice yearly, reenacters fight for an audience on the mock-up; one on December 28th (the actual date) and one approximately one week later. The best part is I have a decent chance to be on the crew for next year's burn...this is a big coup if it happens as I can then make contact with their burn crew and see some work from January to April in Florida.
Attached below are the pictures of the actual battlefield today:
Looking Down the military road towards the ambush site.
The ersatz battlefield maintained to appear the same as it appeared at the time of the conflict:
Two views looking Down the military road towards the ambush site.
American Civil War
I purchased Pascal Le Pautremat's book First Bull Run in the "Men and Battles" series from "histoire [sic] & Collections". At first glance it looks similar to an Osprey. The maps, plates and artwork seem nice. I plan to read it after I finish the three books I am currently reading.
Mark Fastoso printed a Sikh War Scenario Book. That is a must have. I enjoy his books for the knowledge, ideas and the scenarios. My 15mm Colonialism collection is a continuously growing beast. It is not inconceivable that some of my troops could do battle in the Sikh Wars with the addition of a few troop types. That is the beauty of the period, one theater bleeds into another. That is the curse of the period, one period bleeds into another...I blame it on The Sword and the Flame.
My modern 15mm collection got some reinforcements. I picked up a bunch of packs from Rebel Miniatures as I have been painting and I thought it was time to add a bunch of odds and ends: African Militia, African troops, Hostages, Police, Rioters, SWAT, Terrorists and the Splinter Cell. I will be priming these up sometime next week. I also pre-ordered the Force on Force hardcover. The pricing at the convention was good.
I added some figures from Rebel Minis Post Apoc goodness to my Road Warrior collection in the form of Gangs, Survivors and the Superheroes to use as mutants if I ever want to go the Fallout route.
I picked up a bag of Old Glory Ninjas for my son. It seems he wants to create a ninja game. Thirty figures works perfectly for him as he wats to split it up into three to six different colors and have ninja wars. It sounds like fun to me. Especially, if it gets him back into figure gaming. And as an Old Glory Army member, the price is right. Besides, the ten extra ones might have to become Pulp-era Japanese Zeppelin Ninjas.
Seminole War:
This project got some joy. During my stay in north Florida I reached out to the State Rangers to see about deadheading on thier prescribed crews. The Rnager I wanted to talk to was stationed at the Dade Massacre. We had a a great conversation and their is a chance to get on some fire down there next Spring. After chatting, I walked around the battlefield and the park. I then stopped into the gift shop and found three great books and a replica map on the Second Seminole War.
South American Wars of Liberation:
Most of my collecting is at 1:15. Evil Bob's commission was at a slightly higher men per figure ratio. As a result, I am trying to decide if I leave Vilcapugio at its current ratio or add some fusiliers to the units to beef them up to to 1:15; 1:10 or perhaps a generic size in the my old Favorite Charles Grant. I also need to task Evil Bob with the Limbers and caissons for the set. My part of the project are the casualties and the mules for the alb Mountain Guns.
My friend John brought along new pre-release figures for British Legion, Irish Legion, Llanero cavalry and Militia for the South American Independence Wars in The North. How could I make him carry that heavy lead back to CA...couldn't, so I picked up a pile of it. Looks like I have some painting to do this summer after the book on The British and Irish Legions come out. As for the militia and Llaneros, they are needed for the battles in both of John's books.
Painting and Painters:
I managed to get some more painting completed on the 80+ figures my table. They are all getting very close. In one massive completion, I should clear the way for some 15mm painting (new figures) and basing (old figures for South America, WW2, Korea and the Renaissance).
Evil Bob delivered the Vilcapugio armies on time and beautifully done. I already have plans to add command stands to some of the units so they can do battle in other theaters and other wars. I also plan to beef up the battalions past 24 figures, add casualty markers, limbers and caissons to the artillery. All the figures were by Liberators. The additions, except for the casualties, caissons and the limbers will be the same manufacturer.
I bought some used Dinosaurs made by DAZED from RLBPS. Dazed and RLBPS stopped having an exclusive, so Bob has been selling off his painted samples. I got a good deal on three Raptors, an Ankylosaurus and a Protoceratops.
Miniature Wargames March issue has its usual fare of convention reports; product reviews; "The High Ground" a historical perspective and products review; "Dark Horizons" a SciFi/Fantasy perspective and products review; and, "From the Archive" looking back at the past. The articles included one on a what-if Trajan's Rome and the Han Chinese had clashed; a painting guide for the same; making a "Stand at Maidstone" a what if the Spanish Armada had landed, The Battle of Dettingen 1743 which was an excerpt from Charles Grant and Phil Olley's Wargaming in History, Volume 2; the Battle of Barrosa 1811, and Part Two of a WW2 Small Unit article.
On the block for the next few weeks: Two issues of Wargames Illustrated; Two Issues of Arquebusier; and one issue of Wargames Recon.
Judge Dredd Fans, CSI fans and crime show fans should take a read of The Wonderful World of Nozza BLOG ( This week's entry was a Judge Dredd/CSI adventure using the 5150 rules. It looks like a good play and an interesting use for Two Hour Wargames 5150, a great set of SciFi rules that allow you to play everything from Alien to Blade Runner to Farscape to Star Wars. The rules have the genre covered and the play well solo. If you want to try the system there is a free download of Chain Reaction ( THW also has a number of free supplements of rules add-on or genres from the bizarre Cereal Wars where Kaptain Krunch takes on other cereal killers to Horror (rules for mortars, Santa Wars, Cereal Killers, Dog Soldiers, Gangsters, Gunfight at Ok Corral, the Scourge and of course as I mentioned it before 5150, Illegal Aliens).
Anatoli's Gameroom ( had two Strange Aeons battle reports involving Marines and Sailors raiding cultist warehouses and caches. They were worth a read if you enjoy Cthulu. And, if you have caught the Fallout bug, he has started a post about converting figures to play Fallout in 28mm
Matt's gaming page[sic] ( had a Dr. Who battle report pitting the David Tennant Dr. and Martha against the Weeping Angels. It was interesting to see how that episode was made into a playable game.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Judge Dredd and CSI
Judge Dredd Fans, CSI fans and crime show fans should take a read of this BLOG The Wonderful World of Nozza ( This week's entry was a Judge Dredd/CSI adventure using the 5150 rules. It looks like a good play and an interesting use for Two Hour Wargames 5150, a great set of SciFi rules that allow you to play everything from Alien to Blade Runner to Farscape to Star Wars. The rules have the genre covered and the play well solo.
If you want to try the system there is a free download of Chain Reaction (

THW also has a number of free supplements of rules add-on or genres from the bizarre Cereal Wars where Kaptain Krunch takes on other cereal killers to Horror (rules for mortars, Santa Wars, Cereal Killers, Dog Soldiers, Gangsters, Gunfight at Ok Corral, the Scourge and of course as I mentioned it before 5150, Illegal Aliens). Check it out...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Week Eight, continued
As it always seems to happen I go on a mini buying spree right before the convention. Cold Wars is next week and again, I did it. In my history, though, if I purchase before the "con" my spending is much more in check. Well, I found out Magnifico had been acquired by Fantasy Flight Games and then reprinted ( Interestingly, the old version by Asmodee is identical. Also interestingly, you can find the Asmodee version on clearance. Well, I snapped one up. I have always admired the game. Essentially, it is Risk in 16th Century Europe. Ho hum, you say. Nope! The difference is that not only do you try to get Leonardo da Vinci on your side; but his inventions work. The 16th C with tanks, subs, airplanes, paratroopers, etc. sounds good to me. Now I just have to use it to run a 16th century GASLIGHT campaign...or would that be TORCHLIGHT or CANDLELIGHT?

The other purchase was Mansions of Madness ( How could I not? I had watched the trailer a while ago, so I ordered it from a FLGS. The game is made by Fantasy Flight Games in the Cthulu setting. Up to four Players are investigators with the other player being the "Big Bad." Kind of like Descent meets Call of Cthulu. Or a quick play Arkham Horror. Watch the trailer ( as it says it all. But beware....
S&S Models is awesome. An order got lost in the mail. They offered to re-send. I had them wait until all the snow melted in case it was out there in a drift. A few weeks ago, I did find one small box that UPS or FedEx had left in a drift--luckily, the contents were plastic wrapped. S&S decided to resend instead of wait. If you need modern 20mm or 28mm , take a look at their stuff ( I have some of their items that I bought from a friend. They are very nice models and very playable. Definitely recommended!

Warmodeling's limbered mountain gun sets finally arrived late Saturday. We must have had two deliveries as the mailman dropped the envelopes, etc on the back porch. Sunday morning, I went down to the end of the driveway to get the paper and looked in my mailbox on a whim. There was the Warmodeling packet along with another envelope from Pendraken. US Customs detained them quite some time as both orders were placed way back in the beginning of December. Also in the Warmodeling envelope were some of the new British Legion and French Foreign Legion for the First Carlist War. Looks like I have some units to add to that collection. The castings are great. The problem: I do not have enough time to complete the artillery for the convention as I will not have more than an hour or two of free time on Sunday before I leave.
Pendraken's long lost order contained NCO's, Dinamentaros and three new armored car/trucks. I like to add to my 10mm set as relevant things come out. The infantry NCO's will add some nice differentiation to the units. And, finally, the Anarchists with have their fabled Dynamite slingers. As for more and varied trucks and armored truck, what can I say?
Board-, Card and Role Playing Games Played:
Blue Frog Tavern adventure from Tunnels & Trolls: Following Sword for Hire, I wandered down the road avoiding the Red Robed Priests. Then, I came upon the Blue Frog Tavern.
Inside, I was minding my own business until I witnessed more of the Red Robed Priests interfering, so naturally, I brained them. That earned me a job with the proprietor as a body guard. We went into the dungeons beneath the tavern on a mission to steal back an idol from the priests. It was interesting and dangerous but successfully completed. Almost. On our way back through the canals, we were waylaid by Dwarves. I attempted to fight. Unfortunately, I was mobbed. Fortunately, I had impressed them enough that I was freed; but, I had to promise to fight at the Arena of Khazan in return for my freedom.
As the Arena of Khazan module is a mini, I will bring it with me on my work/trip to Florida. If I have time to play, perhaps I will earn my freedom. The only thing I am unclear about is whether the Dwarves took my stuff...hopefully, the next module will make that clear.Miniature Games Played:
On Friday, Ron put on a game of what I call "Grab the Goodies." It seems a spaceship had crashed with the recipe to the Emperor's Cake. Naturally, my Sisters of Battle force landed in their Hello Kitty lander and took on the World...Yes, I do have a lander with tiger stripes and a Hello Kitty logo. How could I not? My only regrets is that I did not put My Little Pony and a Care Bear on the other two landers. And Unicorns on the tanks...As the game went on, I enjoyed shooting some Chaos Marines and maneuvering into place to eliminate everyone else. I was supposed to be working with two squads of Marines and some Eldar; but I had already recorded them as either tainted or Filthy Xenos. Unfortunately, I had to leave early so Unicorn One was forced to call for Hello Kitty Nine. We resolved to Glass the planet on our way out of system. I was going to shoot into a melee as my last turn, but Vic's face fell as he saw it coming. So, I merely called for a Dust Off and was time the heretics all die.
The game was fun. The scenario was good. The spaceship models and figures were great. I wish my sitter was available later as I would have liked to play to conclusion. Interestingly, Ron was running the game with FUBAR ( with the modifications for 40K( I thought they were good fast rules. The only thing I did not like was when your squad took a hit you got to choose who dies; that is a mechanism I never like as it completely pulls the randomness of war from the table top. Thankfully, Ben let me dispense with that much to my detriment as he promptly shot my flamer twice and eliminated it. Good fun, fast rules.
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